IF …

–          you feel like you need a lot of will power to go through the day

–         you’ve been trying very hard to accomplish a goal, but “it’s just not happening”

–          you don’t really know what you are doing

–          you have read a lot about psychology and you feel you know a lot about yourself, but still can’t change the things you’d like to change about yourself

–          you are prone to excessive day dreaming or fantasies (there are important clues in them!)

–          you escape reality into binge watching or binge eating

–          you feel you are influenced by other people’s judgment and you don’t want  to be

–          you can’t make yourself go after the goals you set

–          you feel like you constantly have to “fight yourself”

–          your relationships don’t feel fulfilling

–          you lack clarity in any aspect of your life



As your coach, I am here

to be absolutely present with you, to explore your world with you, gently, with openness and curiosity;

to help you in this process of getting a deeper understanding of what’s going on inside you, becoming more aware of the inner resources that you haven’t been using, getting more attuned to what your subconscious  is telling you at any moment (mostly through your body);

to guide you through the tools that can help you transform.

If you would like to book your free 30-minute call  or schedule a session, please write to k.d.t.coach@gmail.com